Thursday, April 28, 2011

I am a coffee lover

Today I checked the number of cups of coffee that my trusty coffeemaker made me at home during the last 18 months. I must say I was quite amazed at the number !

3572 cups of coffee in 18 months that means a rough average of 6.5 cups of coffee a day. And I should take into account the number of times I am not at home due to work, holidays or other things, so the average should be a bit higher ...

Each cup made contains 120 ml of coffee, so that is a rough total of 428 liters of coffee and an average of 0.8 liter of coffee a day.

I am happy I am not the only person drinking coffee, my girl-friend sometimes drinks coffee and when friends come over they are also served coffee. So the average cups of coffee I drink myself is not that high ... So let's hope it is at a healthy level :)

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